January sale!

Hard to believe we’re already into yet another new year. Hopefully this one will FINALLY be an improvement on 2020 and 2021. Needless to say, I’ve avoided New Year’s resolutions like the plague, other than the usual bookish essentials of promising to read even more brilliant books, and maybe even dabble in a little writing myself (steady there old fella!).


I’m also going to endeavour to ensure some very talented writers are published, or at the very least provided with the advice and support they need to make the right choices for their work. To this end, let’s start 2022 with a positive – a good, old fashioned, traditional January sale! Though you won’t need to brave the elements on a camp bed as you join a queue on my driveway.


This sale is a little different. For a limited number of writers – 10 only – I’ll provide feedback and advice on your fiction or non-fiction book project for the bargain price of £100. The usual cost is £250 so this is a genuine bargain, even if I do say so myself (rather immodestly). I would work out this fabulous saving as a percentage but that would demean my carefully crafted artistic, creative and rather louche credentials.

All you need to do is send me a synopsis, a sample chapter or two, and a covering letter with a little info on the book (including a short bio). In return you’ll receive honest and constructive feedback on the current market, suggested positioning of your project, thoughts on the synopsis and sample material, as well as advice on next steps and best potential routes to publication for your book.


Many authors find this kind of assessment invaluable before they tackle the process of finding the right path to publication. If only to receive a clear and unbiased overview of what is a very challenging and competitive publishing landscape and their own opportunities within it.


So, join the rush now and grab a bargain. Just drop me an email at matthew@exprimez.com or use the Exprimez contact page. Any project considered, any subject or genre, and all authors welcome from debut to experienced. It’s very strictly first come first served so get in touch now!

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